You are invited to a Vaccinology Webinar with the topic Protecting the Gains Made-Immunization Experience Exchange Meeting” scheduled for Thursday 1st Aug 2024 starting 7.00 pm East Africa Time.

The topic will be presented by Dr. Ombeva Malande (Vaccinologist and Senior Consultant-Paediatric Infectious Disease) with the panel comprising Dr. Rose Jalang’o (Lead, National Vaccines and Immunization Program). Dr. Christine Chege (Consultant Paediatrician, Lecturer & Infectious Disease Specialist-Kenyatta University), Dr. Marybeth Maritim (Co-Chair KENITAG, Consultant Physician, Senior Lecturer and Infectious Disease Specialist – University of Nairobi), Dr. Supa Tunje (Consultant Paediatric Neurologist & National Chair, Kenya Paediatric Association) and Prof. Fred Were (Professor of Newborn Medicine – University of Nairobi and Chief Executive Director – Keprecon)

Kindly plan to join in.

Click HERE to register!