Session Chair: Dr. Justus Simba

Conference Theme: A Life Course Approach to Child Health


Implications of life course on the lungsDr. Francis Ogaro
Pneumonia: What is new?Dr. Sam Otido
Management Childhood TB SequelaeDr. Mwanaisha Hatimy
HIV-Related Chronic Lung DiseaseDr. Leah Githinji
Oral Abstract PresentationDr. Eva Wainaina
The Wheezing under 5: When it is not asthmaDr. Adil Waris
When asthma diagnosis is not acceptable: What do you do?Dr. Justus Simba
Rare Lung Diseases in Kenya: Are they rare?Dr. Diana Marangu
Drug Delivery in Respiratory Medicine during COVID-19: Which way?Dr. Everlyne Agisa

Track resolutions:

  • We RECOGNIZE that clean cooking technology is a key intervention to reduce insults to lung development from biomass indoor pollution.
  • We RECOMMEND early ART initiation in HIV as it preserves lung function and improves outcomes.
  • We COMMIT to promote asthma education to help reduce stigma.