Session Chair – Dr. Ahmed Laving

Conference Theme: A Life Course Approach to Child Health


Updates in management of malnutrition.Dr. Jay Berkely  
Obesity in Kenya?Dr. Ahmed Laving
Multivitamin supplements: are they really necessary?Dr. Peter Ngwatu
The picky eater.Dr. Polycarp Mandi
Gluten intolerance in developing countries: fact or fiction.Dr. Rose Kamenwa

Track resolutions:

  • We RECOGNIZE that maternal obesity is a major risk factor for childhood obesity thus our interventions need to go back into the prenatal period.
  • We RECOMMEND addressing of factors associated with picky eating: early feeding difficulties, late introduction of lumpy foods at weaning, pressure to eat & early choosiness; parental feeding styles and practices as a way of avoiding picky eating.
  • We COMMIT to improvement of the knowledge and practice of HCPs on management of nutritional conditions.