Session Chair – Dr. Sam Gwer

Conference Theme: A Life Course Approach to Child Health


Paediatric Neuromuscular Disease: Physiology and PathophysiologyDr. Sam Gwer
The Floppy InfantDr. Nicholas Odero
New Therapies and Outcomes in SMAMarjorie Illingworth & Southamptom Team
Managing Spinal Muscular Atrophy: The Kenyan ExperienceDr. Maureen Njoroge & Dr. Sam Gwer
Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Neuromuscular DiseaseMarjorie Illingworth & Southamptom Team
An Update on TB MeningitisProf. Pauline Samia
Acute Infectious EncephalopathiesDr. Jane Hassel
Clinical Presentation and Outcomes for HHV6 Positivity in the CSFDr. Winnie Akoth and Dr. Janet Maranga
Paediatric Auto-Immune EncephalitisDr. Nicholas Odero
Navigating DNR Considerations in the Paediatric ICU: The GCH ExperienceDr. Margaret Adoyo

Track resolutions:

  • We RECOGNIZE early diagnosis, referral & treatment is key in SMA management.
  • We RECOMMEND development of guidelines for decision making in brain dead patients
  • We COMMIT to promoting maternal education is critical in early newborn screening for SMA