Session Chair – Dr. Eric Ngetich & Dr. Felicitas Makokha

Conference Theme: A Life Course Approach to Child Health


High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation: the Kenyatta National Hospital NICU ExperienceDr. Brian Maugo – Neonatologist
Coagulopathy and Thrombocytopenia in asphyxiated neonates undergoing therapeutic hypothermia in Kenyatta National Hospital Newborn Unit.Dr. Rachel Kanguha Mmene Co-authors: Prof. Aggrey Wasunna and Dr. Lawrence Owino
Outcomes of neonates born through meconium stained amniotic fluid at Thika Level 5 hospitalMogaka. N. F. Co-authors: Kimani R.J., Wafula T. A., Mwangi W. J., Chepkoech M. and Mureithi N. F.
Familial Chylomicronemia. A Case report from MTRHDr. Audrey Chepkemoi Co-authors: Ngetich E, and Prof. Nyandiko W. M.
RDS UpdatesDr. John Khamenwa
ROP  UpdatesDr. Gachago

Track resolutions:

  • We RECOGNIZE that up to 75% of deaths caused by hypothermia could be prevented with essential equipment and trained staff
  • We RECOMMEND inclusion of inputs from the local context, and end-users to design equipment that will enable the provision of skilled care to newborns.
  • We COMMIT to improvement of the knowledge and practice of HCPs on management of neonates