Session Chair – Dr. Waceke Kombe

Conference Theme: A Life Course Approach to Child Health


Overview of liver function testsDr. Aabha Nagral
Jaundice in the newborn. What should the paediatrican needs to know.Dr. Ahmed Laving
Biliary AtresiaDr. Waceke Kombe
Jaundice in the older childDr. Rose Kamenwa
Tropical infections causing liver diseasesDr. Victor Bandika
Upper GI bleed/ Portal hypertensionDr. Juliana Muiva
Basics of paediatric liver transplantDr. Aabha Nagral

Track resolutions:

  • We RECOGNIZE Proper understanding of the liver function tests goes a long way in formulating a possible diagnosis.
  • We RECOMMEND use of the infant stool chart for early diagnosis of biliary atresia.
  • We COMMIT to increase knowledge through CMEs to the wider HCP on the risks of herbal medications and supplements in liver injury.