Session Chair – Dr. Rashmi Kumar

Conference Theme: A Life Course Approach to Child Health


Biophysics of Ventilation (Lecture & Virtual Sim)Dr. Idris Chikophe
Mechanisms of Respiratory Failure(Lecture)
–  Abnormalities of Gas Exchange
– Altered Lung Mechanics
Dr. Idris Chikophe
Modes of Ventilation(Chatburn Classification)(Lecture)Dr. Idris Chikophe
Ventilation for Non-Respiratory Organ Failure(Severe Head Trauma & Severe Metabolic Acidosis: Virtual Sim)Dr. Idris Chikophe
Ventilation for Parenchymal Lung Disease (Paediatric ARDS: Virtual Sim)Dr. Idris Chikophe
Ventilation for Airway Disease (Paediatric Asthma: Virtual Sim)Dr. Idris Chikophe

Track resolutions:

  • We RECOGNIZE that the goal of ventilation should guide the choice of mode of ventilation.
  • We RECOMMEND that sedation should be the last resort to making a patient comfortable on the ventilator.
  • We COMMIT to encouraging the involvement of anesthesia team in training of Paeds critical care fellows.